Last Sunday it got in the high 50's so we had to get out of the house. We swung through a local fast chicken food retailer and headed to the lake for a picnic in the camper.
In Johnson County Kansas, Heritage Park Lake provides a nearby escape for the urbanites. Covering 20 acres, it it stocked with Rainbow Trout, Channel Cat, Black Bullhead, Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Green Sunfish and Wiper. Now I'd never heard of a Wiper, but this link will show you a photo (
Wiper). In the summer you can rent canoes or bring your own, no motor boats allowed.
It was beautiful and there were hundreds of people out, families and kids just enjoying the warm weather. They had stocked the lake with trout recently, there was lots of fishing going on, but very little catching.
It was a blast being the only RV at the lake. As we sat eating, every so often, someone would drive by real slow and look in the screen door, checking out the rig.
After lunch we took the 2.5 mile walking path around the lake, a very slow stroll at best. We got back to the camper after an hour or more of fresh air and exercise. I promptly fell asleep in the dinette. Cheri climbed up into the bunk and did the same.
We woke up after another hour or so, and went back out and walked some more, the people had started thinning out. I still had chores to do at home to get ready for my 3 day shift at work. So we packed up and drove the 3 miles home.
And its rained everyday since.
I'm driving the rig the 75 miles a day to work and back I am getting a little water seepage coming in around the right front corner of the cabover. As soon as we get a dry day I'll get up there and seal it some more. I have driven in some real hard rain for long distances the last few days. Its not surprising some has leaked in. I thought I had resealed it pretty good last fall.
All in all a great day trip, even if it was only 3 miles away. The ducks and geese were out, the kids were flying kites and the sun was all over everything. Even spotted a hot air balloon on the horizon.