Another day off, another project complete. I picked up a $60 Hitch Haul from Walmart and a locking hitch pin yesterday and got to assembling. All went well. I have a very very very old Craftsman generator I picked up from my dad. I think he said it went through the Missouri floods back in 1991, so it was under 20 feet of water along with the rest of his farm. He dried it out, cleaned it up and what do you know it runs again. Its 2000 watt and runs my roof air conditioning unit just fine. It will also charge my batteries. I bolted it to the Hitch Haul and bungeed a trash bag over it for the time being. I’ll get some sort of waterproof cover soon. I’m thinking maybe an upside down plastic tub just sat over it would work fine.
The folding steps even fit right down over the platform with the generator sitting to one side.. Its about half way to the door so even makes a very usable step for quick trips in and out on the road. Need to get a small gas can now to carry a bit with me.
I think I’m going to get a non-utility site tonight when I go back to the lake and boondock the next 4 days and see how it goes. Its not hot enough yet to need A/C.
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