Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Clinton week 2

Half way thru week two already. I have all these crazy idea running around in my head about selling the house, buying a cheap 5th wheel and setting up residence here at the lake.

Clinton Week 2 015

Kind of like my neighbor who does live here full time. One of these days I’ll venture out and meet some of them. Working 13 hours a day when I’m here doesn’t leave much time for socializing. Being Friday the campground exploded with people.

Clinton Week 2 013

But even with an extra hundred people, it is STILL quieter than living in the city. Hmm, if I remember right, about $265 a month plus any metered utilities I use. Another couple hundred a year for permits. I don’t have to mow grass, I work at Walmart so, I can buy literally everything I would ever need on a daily basis, no storage issues. I could jettison a buzzard load of expenses and put away some serious scratch for an early retirement. Sell the house, buy a 5’r be debt free. I’ll see how the summer goes.

OK 1 thing I didn’t anticipate.. as I’ve never camped in the same place for 2 weeks… spiders. I have spider webs all over the camper. This camper is not spider tight. Chased a wasp into the stove vent the other day. He may have a home in there by now. Haven’t used the stove yet. It’s shiny like brand new inside, hate to mess it up.

Grr, tried to upload this from McDonalds, WiFi doesn’t work. Guess it will have to wait until I get home.

1 comment:

  1. You keep dreaming boy! My husband & I went across country for 1-1/2 mos. in 2000 to visit our son in the Navy in Washington State. That's when we got the bug. He was retired then & waited 7 years for me to retire. In the mean time we planned, planned, planned. We've full timed for 3 yrs. this July. No home to speak of until about 3 wks. ago. We bought a park model at the resort we stay in in Arizona. But during the summer we will return to NY State & stay in our 5th wheel. I love it! Doesn't take long to clean & I can do all the relaxing I want. I can't imagine any other life style! Keep dreaming - that's what life is all about....Live, Laugh, Love. God Bless.
